Action Saint-François is a nonprofit organization that exists through its members. It is up to them to decide what the organization will accomplish. By means of a general assembly and a board of directors, these members oversee and run the organization; they can also exercise its rights and powers.
A nonprofit organization is only as strong as its members are dynamic. This is why Action Saint-François wishes to encourage as many citizens as possible to join its efforts to protect the environment in the Eastern Townships. Furthermore, Action Saint-François relies on its members’ financial participation in the form of dues. Nature conservation requires financial investments, so by paying their dues, members help the organization achieve its mission.
What makes Action Saint-François unique is the use of concrete solutions to protect nature. Its field activities (watercourse cleanups and planting activities) are very popular among citizens, who can truly see the impact of their volunteer involvement.
So if you care about the environment and are willing to invest money in order to preserve it (due to lack of time to get involved), Action Saint-François is well suited to satisfy your need to help and do your part.
30$ per year
50$ per year
150$ per year
General membership rules
1. Classes of members
Action Saint-François has three classes of members: regular individual members, corporate members, and founding members. Corporate members are divided into two subcategories: one for businesses and institutions, and one for nonprofit organizations. To become a regular member, a person must pay $30, and this amount is raised to $50 for corporate nonprofit members and $150 for corporate business or institutional members. Founding members are appointed for life, so they have no dues to pay. The board of directors can add new membership classes as it sees fit.
2. Membres
A person becomes a member after paying their dues. Eligibility requirements other than those set forth in article 1 can be adopted by a resolution of the board.
3. Founding members
Marie-Josée Laurin, Guy Théberge, William Lucy, François Danis, Andrée Bourassa et Michelle Salvail are appointed as founding members for life and are not required to pay dues
4. Membership dues
Members must pay annual dues to the Action Saint-François corporation. The amount of these dues is determined by resolution of the board.
Once a member is elected to the board, they are not required to renew their dues until their mandate is over.
5. Suspension and expulsion
The board can suspend any member, for such period as they may determine, who violates the rules or whose actions are deemed detrimental to the corporation. The expelled member can appeal the board’s decision in accordance with the Code of Ethics provisions.